Pastoral Assistants’ Farewell Party

Two of our Pastoral Assistants, Tristan and Stephen, will be leaving our parishes at the end of July. Millie will be staying another year.

To mark the end of the Pastoral Assistant year, there will be a joint party at Hornsey Parish Church on Friday 21st July. The evening will begin with Mass at 7.30pm, which will be followed by  a reception. Anyone is welcome to come along- please do bring some food and a bottle if you can!

Stephen’s final Sunday at Holy Innocents will be 30th July. There will be a BBQ following the evening services.

Do keep all the Pastoral Assistants in your prayers!





Congratulations New Priests and Deacons!

Several of our former Pastoral Assistants, placements students and parishioners have been ordained this year and will begin new ministries in their different parishes right across the country.

Here is a list:


Fr Toby Boutle (former churchwarden at Holy Trinity), Chichester Diocese

Fr Max Drinkwater (former Pastoral Assistant) St Edmundsbury Diocese

Fr Eddie Carr (former Pastoral Assistant, ordained in January), Blackburn Diocese


Fr Philip Kennedy (former Pastoral Assistant), Southwark Diocese.

Fr Nick Archer (former Pastoral Assistant), Chichester Diocese

Fr Mark Mawhinney (former placement student), Durham Diocese

The Rev’d Anna Stuttard (former parishioner at St Paul’s), London Diocese. Mthr Anna joins our team as curate at Hornsey Parish Church and chaplain to the YMCA.

Nick Johnson (former placement student), to be ordained in Manchester Cathedral on Sunday 16th July.

Congratulations to everyone!

Recently ordained former Pastoral Assistants with our Lay Reader Brenda

Recently ordained former Pastoral Assistants Fr Damien, Fr Eddie and Fr Philip with our Lay Reader Brenda

Youth Trip to St Paul’s Cathedral

On Tuesday 25th July (the first week of the school holidays) we are holding a day  trip to St Paul’s Cathedral for all young people in the parish. Parents and carers are more than welcome to come along too. If you would like to come or to book a place for your child, please email Fr Ben at



Parish Prayer Group

Fr Ben is leading a group at the Vicarage meeting to pray together about the future ministry of Holy Innocents. There will be three sessions on Wednesday mornings after Mass and three sessions on Sunday evenings after Contemplate.

Here are the dates:

Wednesdays @ 10.30am: 12th, 19th and 26th July

Sundays @ 5.45pm: 9th, 16th & 23rd July

Anyone is welcome to come along. There is no need to come to both Wednesdays and Sundays- just come along to whatever suits your schedule best. It would be good to go to at least two of the three sessions.

New Services Starting

We are starting to new weekend services (beginning on the 8th/ 9th July) at Holy Innocents, which everyone is welcome to come along to:

Saturday 12.30am: Mass

Sunday 5pm: Contemplate

‘Contemplate’ is a very simple service lasting 30 minutes and featuring 20 minutes silent prayer and reflection. There will also be some chants sung.